10 Most Common Camping Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Camping is a cherished way to escape the hustle and bustle, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature. However, did you know that two-thirds of accidents actually occur during recreational activities?

Like any outdoor adventure, camping comes with its own set of risks. Recognizing the most frequent camping injuries and taking preventive measures is vital for a safe, memorable experience in the wild. In this guide, I’ll reveal the top 10 camping mishaps and equip you with savvy tips to keep you protected and make your time under the stars as enjoyable as it is safe.

1. Risk of Accidents Caused by Fire

Fire provides warmth, light, protection, and often a delicious meal at the campsite. We love the smell of freshly grilled food and sociable evenings around the campfire. We know how to properly light a barbecue and extinguish a campfire. However: Hardly anyone knows all the dangers that fire emanates. Did you know that there are campers who accidentally set fire to the campsite on the first day when parking their motorhome? My tips will help you avoid the worst fire accidents.

Never set fire to the campsite

Are you traveling with a vehicle or RV? Then do not park your motorhome or car in dry grass. After driving, the exhaust is so hot that it can ignite grass. Grass fires spread quickly, and tents, sleeping bags, and RVs burn just fine! Keep your grill at least three feet away, with a campfire at least five feet away from dry plants, bushes and tents. There are also fire-resistant grill protection mats for your grill in the hardware store, which protect the surface from heat.

Always wear shoes

Sometimes glowing coals lurk in the grass next to the grill, next to a campfire, smoldering remains of wood. I once saw a child step barefoot on a lump of glowing coal. There was an audible hiss and a small cloud of steam – unfortunately, the vacation was over for his family. Therefore, always wear shoes near a fire! This is especially true for children.

Protect yourself from toxic carbon monoxide

Every burn, even when burning a candle, produces poisonous carbon monoxide. Every year 4.6 per million people in the world die of carbon monoxide poisoning and injury cases more than that. Symptoms of poisoning are tiredness, dizziness and headaches. It becomes dangerous when large amounts of fuel burn in closed rooms. To protect yourself and your family, do not grill with the charcoal grill in the awning, never heat your motorhome with the gas stove, and do not pitch your tent right next to a generator!

A fireball over the grill is more dangerous than you think

You know that one friend who loves to ignite the campfire or grill with a generous splash of alcohol, marveling at the spectacular flames it creates? While those roaring flames are mesmerizing, they aren’t the real danger. In warm weather, alcohol evaporates quickly, turning into a highly flammable vapor. When lit, this vapor can produce an uncontrollable fireball! Even worse, if someone has inhaled the fumes, it can cause their lungs to rupture—a devastating, life-threatening injury that’s excruciatingly painful. Play it safe: those seemingly boring, bar-shaped grill lighters could literally save your life.

2. Secure Yourself Well from Uncertain Accidents

Cycling in forest while camping

Did you know that 30 accidents happen every second in the World? Of around 1 billion annual accidents, around two-thirds happen in your free time! Can you imagine a situation where you are at high risk of an accident?

  • Walking: Are you a passionate walker when camping and love to discover untouched nature? Unfortunately, you can break your lower leg on a slippery path and have to be rescued by helicopter. That costs you 2,000 dollars.
  • Cycling: On a warm Sunday morning you are out and about on your new mountain bike on a picturesque mountain lake. Suddenly a slippery root causes you to stumble! You land unhappy on your face: The two-week hospital stay costs 2500 dollars.
  • Swimming: Your campsite is right by the sea. The anticipation is great. You jump in roaring waters to cool off after a hot day. Unfortunately, this time you forget your protective water shoes. Contorted with pain, you hobble back to land – there is a long, sharp shard of glass in your foot. After the local treatment, the doctor will present you with a bill of 300 dollars.

Did you know that your statutory accident insurance does NOT cover recreational accidents? That means: You had to pay all the sample bills above yourself!

If you’re camping solo, always inform someone about your plans and exact location. Camping with a group is ideal for safety—if an emergency arises, there’s always someone to help or call for assistance. Don’t forget to bring a physical map of the area, as remote locations often lack reliable cell phone service or internet. Staying prepared is key to staying safe.

3. Prevent Accidents with Motorhomes and RVs

If you’re an RV camper, you can significantly enhance your safety on the road. Start by investing in an anti-snaking coupling and ensuring the proper vertical load distribution, which greatly improves driving stability. It’s also a good idea to skip rear bike racks, as they place too much weight away from the towing vehicle’s center of gravity. Proper loading is equally crucial—keep heavy items near the axles and never overload the RV or the towing vehicle. Bikes and surfboards should go on the car roof, not the RV.

Always remain buckled while the RV is in motion. Moving around during the drive is not only risky due to potential traffic accidents but also inside the motorhome. Even a quick trip to grab a drink can be dangerous if you hit the brakes hard or navigate a sharp turn, leading to serious falls or head injuries from cupboards and corners. Staying seated and buckled up is the safest way to travel.

4. Protect Yourself from the Danger of Insects

Insects can be a real nuisance depending on your campsite, especially when wild camping with a tent or motorhome. In North America (also in Central Europe), the biggest culprits are mosquitoes, ticks, grass mites, bees, wasps, horseflies, fleas, and oak processionary moths. While most insect bites or stings result in annoying itching or pain, allergic reactions can be life-threatening, especially from bee or wasp stings. If you’re allergic, quick medical assistance is essential, and your trip might be cut short.

Ticks can transmit Lyme disease and early summer meningoencephalitis, while mosquitoes in some regions spread diseases like malaria, dengue, and Zika. Oak processionary moth larvae shed fine hairs that can cause allergic reactions such as skin rashes, hives, shortness of breath, or fever. Grass mites, active from July to October, can cause “harvest scabies,” so don’t ignore signs like itching, hives, or redness.

To protect yourself from insects while camping, follow these tips:

  • Use a mesh inner tent to keep bugs out.
  • Install fly screens or insect barriers in your RV or motorhome.
  • Avoid lying on grass without a mat, and don’t walk through tall grass in shorts.
  • If you’re allergic, always bring an emergency kit.
  • Plants like rosemary, catnip, lavender, and lemongrass help repel mosquitoes.
  • Use tick and mosquito sprays, but be aware they can cause skin irritation.

5. Avoid wild Animals in Exotic Countries

Are you planning your next camping adventure in an exotic country? It’s essential to educate yourself about the local wildlife, especially if you’re a wild camper, as you’re more likely to encounter wild animals in those settings. If you prefer established parking spaces or campgrounds, the risk of wildlife encounters is typically lower. However, wild camping in remote nature parks can pose significant dangers, particularly in areas inhabited by bears, snakes, or wolves—situations that can be life-threatening, especially if you’re alone.

As a wild camper, always be vigilant for signs of wildlife, such as tracks, fur, or droppings, and avoid setting up your tent in those areas. Traveling in a group is also safer in remote locations, as it’s hard to predict the challenges you might face.

Another danger for wild campers is the threat of hunting accidents. While they are rare, they can be serious. Responsible hunters aim carefully, but incidents have occurred in the past, resulting in injuries or fatalities. To minimize risk, steer clear of known hunting areas, especially during the hunting season, when you may encounter barrier tapes or warning signs.

If you’re camping in a foreign country, research how to identify hunting zones before you arrive. Plan your route meticulously, considering wildlife activity, seasonal patterns, and hunting areas to ensure a safer camping experience.

6. Recognize Lurking Dangers in Waters

We’ve all heard the chilling stories about careless swimmers, often highlighted in summer media reports on accidents in lakes and oceans. It’s easy to dismiss these incidents with thoughts like, “It was just a beginner being reckless.” However, it’s not only inexperienced swimmers who face danger; even seasoned swimmers can find themselves in perilous situations, whether from misjudging cold water temperatures or ignoring signs of fatigue. There are also serious risks when swimming in strong river currents, where powerful vortices and suction can easily pull someone under. And let’s not forget the potential threats posed by boats in busy waterways.

As you prepare to enter unfamiliar waters—be it a tranquil lake or the Mediterranean Sea—ask yourself: how cautious are you? Accidents can occur anywhere, especially in lakes and oceans where submerged hazards like stones, glass, shells, or sea urchins lurk beneath the surface. Cuts and abrasions from these hazards can lead to infections, so don’t brush off such injuries as trivial.

If you’re camping in distant lands, familiarize yourself with the local aquatic flora and fauna. Jellyfish, rays, sponges, corals, and other marine life can pose serious risks to your safety.

For curious divers, snorkelers, and children, the golden rule is: don’t touch anything you don’t recognize. If you do come into contact with something unfamiliar, remain calm and avoid panic. Exit the water promptly, seek help, and keep the affected area of your body as still as possible to slow the spread of any potential toxins. Safety should always be your top priority in the water!

7. Never Underestimate the Weather When Camping

Lightning, storm, burning sun, rain and hail are common when camping, and Mother Nature sometimes hits you with full force. In summer, you have to prepare for very hot hours in the sun. In your RV or tent, the temperature can quickly reach more than 80 degrees.

  • Drink enough fluids: You often don’t realize how much sweat you are losing on hot days. With physical exertion in the sun, you need up to 10 liters of fluid a day! Alcohol is risky. Cool water, fruit spritzers, and teas are good for you.
  • Recognize the symptoms of heat stroke: Heat stroke occurs when the body temperature rises too much in the sun. Typical symptoms are headache, dizziness, nausea, fever and red, hot skin. Heat stroke is life-threatening! Call a doctor right away and cool the affected person in a shady spot with wet towels. The ideal place for this is an air-conditioned motorhome.
  • Follow your skin type: Do you have red hair and light skin with lots of freckles? Bad luck: You get sunburned after just 15 minutes. Fortunately, sunburn is easy to prevent. Wear light, airy clothing, and a hat, and use sunscreen with a factor of 30 or more. Renew your sunscreen every few hours.
  • Make sure you’re well prepared: Once the storm has started, you will be hampered by strong gusts of wind and poor visibility.
  • Do not let hard objects hit you in the head: Avoid trees with dead wood in the crown. Every year in the World people die from falling branches. You can also catch bricks falling from the roofs of buildings at campsites!
Thunderstorm in the camping area
𝗔 𝘁𝗵𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗺 𝗶𝘀 𝗼𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗴𝘂𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗱
  • Get better tent pegs: Most camping tents and awnings come with pegs that are only suitable for mild weather. If the storm knocks down your tent, the damage is significant. A lightning bolt is up to 30,000 degrees Celsius – that’s 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun. A lightning strike threatens terrible burns and serious damage to the camper or tent. Learn more: Buying Guide Tent Pegs: Types, Material, Use.
  • Get to a safe place as soon as possible: Most of the time, lightning strikes at elevated points. So avoid hills and solitary trees. You are safe from lightning in buildings with a lightning protection system and vehicles. The metallic outer shell forms a Faraday cage.
  • Recognize the danger in good time: The warning weather app will let you know when a storm is approaching your campsite. Count the seconds between lightning and thunder. If the distance is less than 10 seconds, the risk of a lightning strike in your area is very high! The danger is over only 30 minutes after the last thunder.

8. Danger of Explosion

Although explosion accidents at campsites or during travel are rare, they can occur—often due to improper handling of gas systems or neglected gas tests. Fortunately, many campsites and parking areas require a valid TÜV sticker, which is only issued after a successful gas test for motorhomes.

As an RV owner, you can obtain an operating license without a general inspection, but you’ll need a gas test certificate to operate a liquefied gas system. These tests should always be performed by qualified professionals, such as TÜV or Dekra inspectors, to enhance safety.

Avoid tinkering with your gas system unless you’re a certified technician. Consider installing a GasStop emergency fitting, which functions like an AquaStop valve, automatically shutting off the gas supply in case of leaks.

Modern gas cylinders are equipped with pressure relief valves that prevent bursting. However, if gas escapes undetected, it can lead to catastrophic fires from just a single spark. Always store filled gas cylinders in well-ventilated areas, like a garden shed, and ensure that the valve is closed and the cap is securely in place.

9. Know the Dangerous Places on Your Campsite

Most camping accidents result from falls and hidden dangers on the ground, especially at night. Here are some essential rules to keep in mind while moving around your campsite:

  • Familiarize Yourself with Hazards: During the day, take note of common tripping hazards like tent ropes, power cables, ditches, and fire pits to avoid serious falls later on.
  • Always Carry a Flashlight: A reliable flashlight is one of the top 10 outdoor essentials you should never be without while camping.
  • Be Aware of Changing Layouts: Paths that were clear on your way in may be obstructed on your way out. Camping chairs, tables, and luggage can shift unexpectedly.
  • Watch Out for Old Tent Pegs: These can hide in the grass and cause deep cuts if stepped on. Wearing sturdy shoes can help protect your feet.
  • Caution on Wet Surfaces: Slippery paths and stairs after rain can pose significant risks, so tread carefully.
  • Maintain Distance from RVs: When RVs are maneuvering out of parking spots, they often have limited rear visibility, so keep your distance.
  • Mind Where You Step: Tripping over a hidden hole can lead to falls, which may cause minor bruises or worse, especially if you’re near boiling water!

10. Safety Tips for the Camping Kitchen

You already know the basics: always use a cloth or glove to handle hot pots, and be careful with knives to avoid injuries. However, the unique challenges of cooking outdoors can lead to accidents if you’re not vigilant. Here are some tips to help you stay safe in the camping kitchen:

  • Remove Covers Before Lighting: Always take off the cover of your gas stove or grill before igniting it. If you don’t, gas can build up underneath, creating a dangerous explosion risk when you light the stove.
  • Stay Focused: When chopping vegetables, keep your attention on the task at hand. Sudden noises, shouting, or kids running around can lead to distractions that increase the risk of accidents.
  • Store Gas Cylinders Safely: Never leave gas cylinders or cartridges in direct sunlight, especially in non-air-conditioned motorhomes or tents on hot days, as this can cause dangerous pressure buildup.
  • Limit Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol can impair your judgment, so avoid cooking contests in a moving RV or experimenting with dangerous scenarios, like pouring water on a pan of burning fat.
  • Be Cautious with Unstable Surfaces: Camping tables and mobile gas stoves can be wobbly. Even if you’re careful, strong gusts of wind or a child bumping into the table can easily lead to spills or accidents.

Tools and Equipment for Camping Injuries

Here’s a list of essential tools and equipment for addressing common camping injuries:

  • First aid kit
  • Sterile dressings and bandages
  • Wound cleaning and disinfecting
  • Tweezers (for splinters and ticks)
  • Small scissors or multitool with scissors
  • Pain relief and anti-inflammatories
  • Allergy medications
  • Burn ointment or gel
  • Non-stick burn dressings
  • Aloe vera gel (for minor burns)
  • Antihistamine cream or spray
  • Personal medications
  • Elastic bandages or tape for securing splints
  • Emergency blanket
  • Flashlight or headlamp
  • Whistle
  • Compass or GPS device
  • Pen and notebook (recording information)


Camping is not always safe. You need to handle fire, gas, and water on unfamiliar terrain. Find out about the local characteristics and remember the following basic rule: Whenever you see someone in need, help him or her. After all, it could happen to you! Protect yourself by taking my tips to heart. I think: Better safe than sorry!

Thank you for your interest in this guide. Do you have any questions or a tip for me on how I can further improve the contribution? What accidents have you already experienced while camping? Just write a short message and I will reply as soon as possible. Wish a nice camping trip!

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